Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 2 Reading: Entry 3

One of the first tips of advice I heard as a rookie teacher was, “Don’t smile until Christmas.” This was a little disheartening as I can somewhat remember the Teachers I had in high school who might have followed that statement, and by somewhat I mean I do not remember their names, but only their strong disciplinary actions. The teachers that I do remember made a connection with me individually, and presented information in an effective way to overpower my stubborn unwillingness to learn. The teachers I remember are the ones who used humor in lectures, and had a sincere interest in my well being.

I know that I lack as a disciplinary leader in my school, and I know that the students know this, but I also believe that I truly engage my students enough to work hard for 90 minutes on one design. I go to as many activities as I can, I sponsor two different clubs, and I ask how every single one of my students is doing everyday. I let them know that I am available for assistance and that my tutorials are after school everyday. Why do I do this? Because I want my students to feel welcome and I want them to discover a small space in their hearts and minds for design.

With this educational philosophy comes a strong need for positive thinking. If I were to dread staying after school or attending extra curricular activities, then my life would be miserable.  It is my choice to have a positive outlook on my actions and the actions of the students who are in my classroom. By remaining positive and providing a welcoming environment for creative project development, once students enter my introductory class they usually go on for the next 3 years in my advanced classes. 

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